The Ipcress File /The-Ipcress-File.html One of Len Deighton's best. Video Trailer of The Ipcress File - the Michael Caine version, with Sue Looyd and Gordon Jackson. Spy craft and subterfuge, duplicity and double dealing - lying, deceiving, planning, cheating, executing. All ingredients of the classic espionage novel. espionage novel espionage thriller thriller novel thriller Ipcress file espionage thriller novels - the ipcress file len deighton an absolute classic that made michael caine s name sue lloyd and gordon jackson co-star, sidney j furie directs brainwashing was a word in everyday use, and the russian threat was ominpresent it was rather one-dimensional when compared to modern productions such as tinker, tailor, soldier, spy , but nowadays audiences are credited with a little more intelligence and refinement - or are they this is the us trailer, courtesy mca trailer provided by video detective