Best Thriller Books Authors /Best-Thriller-Books-Authors.html Who is the best thriller books author? It's a tough one, I know - here are some suggestions, and a chance for you to have your say. The genre is very wide, and the best plots are intense and deeply interwoven. best thriller books best thrillers best thriller novels best thriller authors thriller novel spy novels best thriller book authors - who s yours a tough question we could argue for ever about this, and i argued with myself too, and still do, in fact just who makes the grade as best thriller books author i thought about the best thriller i d ever read - and remember we re talking about probably ten sub-genres spanning techno-, horror, supernatural, espionage, action/adventure, war, political, crime/mystery and even some old sci-fi which has now become reality what book really got your nerves jangling or made you stay awake until 3am reading it fine, that s a great place to start, but then did that author consistently churn out that level of nerve-tingling suspense the best thriller ever measured, say, by a poll was not necessarily written by the best thriller author semantics maybe, but there is a difference anyway, who do you reckon is the best thriller author, bearing in mind that subtle distinction is he/she on this list you ll see the results when you click done provided you click an answer